Information for guides

Return policy

Guarantee of confidentiality and information protection

General Cancellation and Return Policy

  • You can cancel your order free of charge up to 48 hours before the start of the excursion or tour. If an order is canceled within a shorter period, the advance payment is not refunded. 
  • We will refund the entire prepayment if you cancel your order for an excursion or tour guide.

We do not refund money for the purchase of tickets, payment of fees and other expenses related to the excursion or tour that were spent according to your agreement with the guide.


Cancellation due to force majeure

We will refund the prepayment amount less than 48 hours before the start of the excursion or tour in the following cases:

  • Flight delays or cancellations that prevent you from attending an excursion or tour. We will ask you to provide confirmation from the airline or the airport: a photo of the flight status board or a screenshot from the airport's official website. 
  • Unexpected illness or injury that prevents travel. We will require a doctor's certificate as confirmation. 
  • The introduction of measures to counter coronavirus infection in the region where the excursion or tour is taking place, excluding your participation in it.


If other unforeseen circumstances arise, please write to our technical support: