Privacy Policy

We want you to know that your privacy is important to us and we are committed to protecting any personal information you provide to us. In this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) we will tell you how we use and process your personal data and how to contact us if you have questions.

By accessing the Site and using the services offered, you confirm that you have read and understand this Privacy Policy and the procedure for collecting and processing your personal data. If you do not agree with any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, you should not access the Site or use the services offered.

We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time and any changes will be effective upon posting, with the latest version always available here.


Short review

This Privacy Policy details our policies and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.

1. What personal data does YUMMTHAI collect?
2. Why YUMMTHA collects and uses your personal data
3. Transfer of your personal data
4. Security and storage procedures
5. Personal data of children
6. Cookie Policy
7. Your rights
8. How to contact us
9. Legal information


1. What personal data does YUMMTHAI collect?

We collect personal information that you provide to us directly, but may also collect information by keeping records of how you interact with the Site (using cookies). We may also receive some of your personal data from third parties, our partners.

Providing your personal information is entirely voluntary and you always have the choice not to provide us with your personal information. However, in order to use certain features offered on the Site, you are required to provide some personal information. We also collect personal information for security purposes.

We collect and use the information you provide to us, and we may receive and store any information you enter on the Site or through other means. When placing an order, at a minimum, you are required to provide a name and email address so that we can identify the customer. We may also request information about your city and country of residence, telephone number, payment information, names of those traveling with you, other information (such as mobility disability) you may disclose about yourself on the Site, your IP address and software (browser).

You have the opportunity to create an account on the Site, which will allow you to save your personal settings and preferences, upload photos, provide feedback on Tour Services you have used, or manage future bookings.

Information Collected Automatically: When you access the Site, we automatically collect certain information that may not be personally identifiable, but may be used to identify you. The information collected depends on the device used and generally includes data about your session, IP address, date and time, your visit to the Site, data about your device and system activity, the browser you are using and the site from which you came. We may collect information about your activity on the Site (pages viewed and searches made). This information helps us better understand your interests and preferences in order to make your visit to the Site more personalized. Of course, we want to protect ourselves as well, and for this reason we collect personal information to protect the Site and its other users from any misuse and/or fraud.

Location Information and Other Device Information: If you access the Site from your mobile device, we may collect certain information about your location, if this feature is enabled on your device (through your device's privacy settings), this information helps us provide you with service improvements and offerings.

Personal information you provide to us about others: You may be making a group booking with other Travelers whose details we may request from you at checkout, or you may be making a booking on behalf of another person. You must obtain the consent of others before providing us with their personal information, and they must fully understand and agree to how YUMMTHAI uses their personal information (as described herein).

Personal Information We Receive from Third Parties: We may receive information about you from other sources, such as our business partners, affiliates, payment service providers and other unaffiliated third parties. For example, if you arrived at the Site by clicking on a link from a site operated by one of our business partners, and you are registered on that partner's site, information about you that you provided to that partner may be shared with us (contact or demographic information).

In addition, you may log into the Site using your social media account and link your account to your social media account, at which point your personal data may be transferred to YUMMTHAI by that social media provider.
Third-party payment service providers process your payment and may share this payment information with us so that we can process your order.

Guides may also share some information about Travelers with us, for example if there is a dispute between you or a Traveler has requested a refund. In this case, we will be provided with information solely related to such a dispute or such a refund, which may include information about (full name, residential address). The purpose of processing such information is to process a refund request or resolve a related dispute. The general rules of the Privacy Policy apply to this personal data.


2. Why does YUMMTHAI collect and use your personal information?

The main reason for collecting information is to provide you with the best possible service and an unforgettable experience!

Your personal data may be used in the following ways:

A. Provide you with the services you have requested. This may include sending you messages such as confirmations, tickets, changes and reminders.

B. Provide you with the best customer service.

C. To administer your account, process payments, verify and process chargeback requests, and send you confirmations and notifications.

D. Contact you for marketing purposes if you have consented to such communications. You can always unsubscribe from email communications at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link contained in each newsletter.

E. To communicate with you, respond to and process your inquiries or complaints about the Site. We may also provide you with other materials related to your bookings: how to contact your Guide/Traveller or other administrative messages such as security alerts, notifications about your account.

F. Conduct market research or statistical analyzes related to the Site and the services offered.

G. To improve the Site and its functionality.

H. To fulfill our obligations arising from the contracts entered into between you and YUMMTHAI.

I. For legal purposes: In some cases, we may need to use your personal information to process and resolve legal disputes, to conduct investigations and comply with regulatory requirements, or to comply with lawful requests from law enforcement authorities.

Our legal basis for processing personal data is that it is necessary to fulfill contracts between Guides and YUMMTHAI, as well as to provide services to Travelers themselves. If the required personal data is not provided, we will not be able to proceed with the contract, complete your order or provide you with customer support.

We have the legal right to protect ourselves and you from any fraudulent activity, protect the security of your account and improve our services.
YUMMTHIA is also required to comply with any legal obligations (legal requests from law enforcement agencies).

Providing all your personal data to YUMMTHAI is voluntary. However, some services may only be provided to you if certain personal data is collected.

If you have previously given your consent and want toго отозвать его, свяжитесь с нами по почте Если вы отозвали свое согласие и у нас нет других законных оснований для обработки ваших личных данных, мы прекратим их обрабатывать.


3. Transfer of your personal data

The main purpose is to transmit your personal data, and more specifically your contact information, for your order to the Guide and/or Traveler. If you choose to create an account on the Site, certain information (name) provided in your profile will be publicly available in your review after the tour.

In certain circumstances, we share your personal data as follows:

1. Guide you booked/Traveller who made the booking: We pass on all details relating to the booking to complete the booking, this may include your name, contact details and any other information you have provided. We do not share your payment information with the Guide unless absolutely necessary to complete your booking. If a dispute arises regarding an order, we may provide the Guide with information about the order process necessary to resolve the dispute.

2. Third Party Service Providers: We use service providers to provide services or functions on our behalf, including business analytics, payment processing, marketing, public relations and fraud prevention. Please note that YUMMTHAI does not process your payment and you will be redirected to a third party site or your payment information will be transmitted in a secure manner to complete the transaction. You agree to review the supplier's policies and procedures before making a booking through the Site. We may also share information with the relevant financial institution if we believe it is strictly necessary for the purposes of fraud detection and prevention.

We may share personal information with advertising partners as necessary to enable certain features of the Site or to provide you with online advertising tailored to your interests. These third party service providers have access to and may collect information only as necessary to perform their functions.

All third party service providers are required to continue to adequately protect your personal information.

3. Business partners distribute or advertise YUMMTHAI services. When you click on a link to the Site on our business partners' websites or applications, some of the personal information you provide to them may also be forwarded to us. Because we do not control the privacy policies of our business partners, we recommend that you review the privacy policies posted on their websites. For the purposes of fraud detection and prevention, and when absolutely necessary, we may also share information about users of the Site with our business partners.

4. YUMMTHAI Affiliates: This sharing of personal data allows us to provide our customer support services to you; detect, prevent and investigate fraudulent and other illegal activities and violations; for analytical and Site improvement purposes; provide personalized offers or send you marketing with your consent, you have the opportunity to choose whether you want to receive such communications or not.

5. Competent authorities: We have the right to disclose your personal data if we believe, in our sole discretion, that such disclosure is necessary, to law enforcement authorities, if required by law or strictly necessary to prevent, detect or bring claims for criminal acts and fraud , or if we are legally obligated to do so. We may need to disclose personal data to competent authorities to protect our rights or property, as well as the rights and property of our partners.
We rely on our legitimate interest in sharing and receiving personal data and, where applicable, to comply with a legal obligation (such as legal requirements from law enforcement) or in connection with a corporate transaction.

Transfers of personal data may involve the transfer of personal data overseas to countries outside of Thailand for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy ensures that we keep your personal data secure and provide an adequate level of protection. As a result, you agree to the possible risks associated with the transfer, processing and storage of your personal data outside of Thailand.


4. Security and storage procedures

We use appropriate technical systems (vpn) as well as administrative procedures (separation of access rights and authorization) to protect and secure your personal data from unauthorized or illegal access. In addition, we use encryption (https protocol) when transmitting your personal data between your systems and ours, and between our system and the systems of those parties with whom we transfer this sensitive data.

We store your personal data only for the time necessary to use the Site and the Tour Services offered; to maintain your account; compliance with applicable laws; resolve any disputes that may arise; and as otherwise required by us to operate our business, including detecting and preventing fraud or other illegal activities. Some information may be retained after your account is closed where it is strictly necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, and to protect our rights. You will be provided with all information if the purpose of processing personal data changes.

All personal information we hold is subject to this Privacy Policy.


5. Personal data of children

The Site and the Tour Services offered are not intended for use by minors. No person under 16 years of age may provide us with any of their personal information.

If you are under 16 years of age, you should not use the Site or submit any personal information on the Site, which may include your name, address, telephone number or email address. If we become aware that we have collected any personal information from a child under 16 without the consent of a parent or guardian, we have the right to delete it.


6. Cookie Policy

We want you to enjoy using our Site, to make it convenient, reliable and as useful as possible. Therefore, we use cookies and similar technologies (together referred to as "cookies").

By continuing to use the Site, you consent to our use of cookies, but please note that you can change your cookie settings at any time in your browser settings or by sending us an email at If you do choose to reject cookies, your access to some features and areas of the Site may be limited.


What are cookies?

First of all, these are cookies, but, unfortunately, not the kind that you can eat. Cookies are small amounts of data that are automatically placed on your browser or mobile device when you visit almost any website. They are stored in your browser and contain basic information about your internet usage. They usually do not identify you personally. Basically, they are used every time you return to the site, your browser sends these cookies to the site so that the site can recognize your computer or mobile device and personalize and improve your experience of the site.

“First party cookies” are cookies that we set ourselves, but “third party cookies” are cookies that we allow others to set on the Site. For example, we allow advertisers who advertise on the Site to set their own cookies (these are third party cookies). These cookies collect information about your use of advertisements and help advertisers show you more personalized ads or limit how many times you see the same advertisement.

Any information we collect about you through the use of cookies is subject to our Privacy Policy.


For what purposes do we use cookies?

We use cookies for various purposes. Based on these purposes, cookies can be divided into the following categories:

Technical cookies: These cookies are essential to access, browse and use the Site's functions. They are also used to create your account, to log you in, and to keep you active during your visit. We also use technical cookies to monitor and prevent fraud. Technical cookies cannot be disabled as they are absolutely necessary for the functioning of the Site.

Functional Cookies: Functional cookies are used to remember your preferences and to help you navigate the Site more efficiently. For example, these cookies remember your searches and previously viewed Tour Services and Guides. Functionality cookies also remember your registration information so that you do not have to fill out all this information each time you place an order. Functional cookies allow the Site to operate more efficiently, but are not essential for its functioning.

Analytics Cookies: We use these cookies to understand how the Site is used and they provide us with anonymous information so that we can improve your overall experience of the Site. Using analytical cookies, we can understand which parts of the Site you
interested in how effective various advertisements and communications are. Also, with the help of analytical cookies, we can understand whether there are any errors on the Site. We need these cookies to know what works on the Site and what doesn't.

Advertising Cookies: We use both our own and third party cookies to display advertising that is more relevant to you, based on your browsing experience on the Site. Some cookies ensure that the advertisements shown are relevant to your interests, while others prevent you from being shown the same advertisement repeatedly.


What information do we collect

Using cookies, we may collect a variety of information, which includes: IP address; browser type; operating system; time of access to the Site; viewed pages; The URL from which you accessed the Site; other features or activities you have enabled on the Site.


Your choice

You have the full right to choose whether to accept or not accept cookies, and their management is in your hands. You can control them directly through your browser settings, depending on which browser you use.

If you choose not to accept certain technical and/or functional cookies that we use, some features of the Site may not be available.
However, most ad networks offer you a way to opt out of advertising cookies. Visit and for helpful information on how to opt out of interest-based advertising. But keep in mind that opting out of advertising cookies will only stop you from being shown ads personalized to your web preferences, and does not mean you will stop receiving online advertising or marketing analysis entirely.

For any questions about our use of cookies, for more detailed information, or to opt-out of certain cookies, please write to us at

7. Your rights

You always have the right to view the personal data we hold about you, however we may ask you to confirm your identity before taking any further action on your request.

Subject to applicable law, with respect to your personal data, you may:

A. Request an accounting of the personal data we hold about you.

B. Ask us to correct your personal information: You can tell us about any changes to your personal information or ask us to correct any inaccuracies. You can make such changes yourself as described below.

C. Request to delete, block or restrict the processing of your personal data that we hold. You may object to specific uses of your personal data based on our legitimate or public interest interests. You can always object to the processing of personal data for direct marketing.

D. Request that we obtain your personal information from a third party or send that personal information to a third party, if possible. This right only applies to personal data that you have provided to us, and its processing is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract between us, and the processing is carried out by automated means. You may also receive information about the third party recipient of your personal data, including in cases of deletion, correction of personal data, or restriction of processing based on a request.

You may receive your personal data provided by consent in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format for the independent transfer of personal data to third parties (if technically possible).
If you have an account, you can access most of your personal information through the Site, and your account provides the ability to add, update, or delete certain information. You may also close your account by contacting us using the methods provided below. When you ask us to close your account, we will deactivate it and delete your personal data. If any personal information is not available through your account on the Site, please send us a request.

We do not charge you a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights described in this Privacy Policy). However, we may request a proportionate and reasonable payment if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive.

If your personal data is processed on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time in accordance with applicable law. In this case, we warn you that the processing of personal data carried out before your withdrawal of consent is considered legal. Where we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests or the public interest, you have the right to object to such use of your personal data at any time in accordance with applicable law.

For any queries regarding this Privacy Policy and the exercise of any of your rights, to make a complaint or to object to the processing of your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, if you are unable to directly use the opt-out mechanism, please contact our support team at support@yummthai. com. You can also contact your local data protection authority. Your request will be considered on the basis of the circumstances of each individual case. Please note that we may retain and use your personal data to comply with our legal obligations and resolve any disputes.


8. How to contact us

YUMMTHAI controls the processing of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy. For any questions, comments regarding this Privacy Policy, or questions regarding the collection and processing of your personal data, please write to us at


9. Legal information

Category of subjects of personal data: users of the site Grounds: the processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the consent of the subject to the processing of personal data, expressed in an objective form. Categories of personal data: Public personal data: first name, last name, patronymic (if available), age, email, telephone, place of residence. Biometric personal data: photographs. Other personal data: cookies, device location data. Processing methods: automated processing. List of actions: collection, recording, systematization, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Last updated April 14, 2024.